Is Your "Woke Bae" Really Woke? 15 Signs to Look Out For

So you think you've found a socially conscious, enlightened guy? Think again. Sometimes, those who claim to be "woke" are just putting on a show. Here are 15 red flags to look out for. Don't be fooled by the facade - read the signs and protect yourself from falling for a fake. And remember, always trust your instincts. For more insights into navigating complex relationships, check out this article on understanding the sensual world of BDSM water play.

In today's society, being "woke" has become a popular term for someone who is socially aware and progressive. Many of us are drawn to partners who share our values and beliefs, and being with someone who is "woke" can be incredibly attractive. However, not everyone who claims to be woke actually lives up to that label. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating might not be as woke as he thinks he is.

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1. Lack of Intersectionality

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One of the key components of being "woke" is understanding and acknowledging the intersections of different social issues. If the guy you're dating only focuses on one aspect of social justice, such as gender equality or racial justice, and ignores how these issues intersect with others, it could be a sign that his understanding of social issues is limited.

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2. Disregard for Pronouns

Respecting people's pronouns is a fundamental part of being woke. If the guy you're dating consistently misgenders or invalidates someone's gender identity, it's a clear indication that he may not fully grasp the importance of respecting people's identities.

3. Lack of Empathy

Empathy is crucial when it comes to understanding and supporting marginalized communities. If the guy you're dating lacks empathy for those who are different from him, it could be a sign that his woke persona is just a facade.

4. Performative Activism

Performative activism is when someone engages in activism for the purpose of gaining social capital or appearing virtuous, rather than genuinely caring about the cause. If the guy you're dating only participates in activism for show, without truly understanding or committing to the cause, it's a red flag.

5. Dismissing Criticism

Being open to feedback and criticism is important for personal growth and learning. If the guy you're dating gets defensive or dismisses criticisms of his beliefs or actions, it could indicate that he's not as open-minded as he claims to be.

6. Lack of Diversity in Social Circle

Surrounding oneself with people of diverse backgrounds and experiences is a sign of being socially aware. If the guy you're dating has a social circle that lacks diversity, it may suggest that he's not as committed to understanding different perspectives as he claims to be.

7. Ignorance of Privilege

Understanding one's privilege and using it to uplift marginalized voices is a key aspect of being woke. If the guy you're dating is oblivious to his own privilege or fails to acknowledge how it impacts his interactions with others, it could be a sign that he's not as socially aware as he thinks.

8. Tokenism

Tokenism is the practice of including individuals from underrepresented groups in a way that gives the appearance of diversity without actually addressing systemic inequalities. If the guy you're dating engages in tokenism, it's a clear indication that his commitment to social justice is superficial.

9. Lack of Self-Education

Being woke requires ongoing self-education and a willingness to unlearn and relearn. If the guy you're dating is content with his current level of knowledge and shows no interest in educating himself further, it may indicate that his woke persona is just a surface-level act.

10. Centering Himself in Conversations

Centering oneself in conversations about social justice issues is a common sign of someone who is not truly woke. If the guy you're dating consistently makes discussions about social issues all about him, it's a clear indication that his understanding of these issues is self-centered.

11. Disrespecting Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is essential in any relationship, and it's especially important when it comes to issues of identity and personal experiences. If the guy you're dating consistently crosses boundaries or disregards the needs of others, it could be a sign that his woke persona is insincere.

12. Lack of Accountability

Being woke means holding oneself accountable for mistakes and actively working to do better. If the guy you're dating shies away from accountability or refuses to acknowledge his own shortcomings, it's a clear indication that his commitment to social justice is superficial.

13. Ignoring Feedback from Marginalized Voices

Listening to and learning from marginalized voices is crucial for anyone who wants to be truly woke. If the guy you're dating consistently ignores or dismisses feedback from those who are directly impacted by social issues, it's a sign that his commitment to social justice is performative.

14. Inaction

Being woke is not just about having the right beliefs, but also about taking meaningful action to create positive change. If the guy you're dating talks a big game but fails to act on his beliefs, it's a clear indication that his commitment to social justice is superficial.

15. Lack of Growth

Lastly, being woke is about continuous growth and evolution. If the guy you're dating shows no signs of growth or change in his beliefs and actions over time, it may indicate that his woke persona is just a facade.

In conclusion, being with someone who is truly woke can be incredibly rewarding, but it's important to be discerning and look beyond surface-level appearances. If the guy you're dating exhibits any of these signs, it may be worth having a candid conversation about his commitment to social justice and whether it aligns with your own values and beliefs. After all, being in a relationship with someone who shares your values is essential for a fulfilling and meaningful connection.